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How Gorilla Tourism is Saving Rwandans from Poverty

How Gorilla Tourism is Saving Rwandans from Poverty

The Volcanoes national park located in northwestern Rwanda is a unique wildlife safari destination with over 300 mountain gorillas and the best place where tourists can mountain in their forested habitats. They are covered with black fur and are the biggest apes species with a fully-grown silverback (male mountain gorilla) weighing over 200 pounds. Mountain gorillas are vegetarians that predominantly…

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10 Things to Do in Rwanda Besides Visiting Mountain Gorillas

Rwanda, often referred to as the “Land of a Thousand Hills,” is a country of stunning landscapes, rich biodiversity, and vibrant culture. While it’s renowned for its iconic mountain gorillas, there’s much more to explore beyond these majestic creatures. From ancient rain forests to bustling cities, Rwanda offers a diverse range of experiences for travelers seeking adventure, culture, and natural…

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Rwanda Safaris Are a Dream Come True

Rwanda Safaris Are a Dream Come True

Rwanda has done much over the past decade and a half to recover from its violent history. Today, Rwanda is a stable country and is rapidly growing economically. Because of the country’s beauty is has especially grown in terms of tourism. The lush mountains and vibrant plains are home to a variety of wildlife, making Rwanda a prime destination for…

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Gorilla Trekking in Uganda vs Rwanda vs Congo

Gorilla Trekking in Uganda vs Rwanda vs Congo

Meeting face to face with mountain Gorillas in the jungle is one the most breathtaking and unforgettable experiences for trekkers but planning on where to go, when to go and what to pack is important before you head to your destination. Mountain Gorillas are found only in Rwanda, Uganda and DR Congo. This therefore means that they can trekked in…

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Rwanda to Promote Gorilla and Chimpanzee Conservation

Rwanda to Promote Gorilla and Chimpanzee Conservation

Rwanda being a small country it has taken high level in promoting sustainable tourism to save the mountain gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park and the chimpanzee in Kyamudongo area, part of Nyungwe Forest National Park. There are several companies promoting Eco Tours Rwanda and the promoting this type of tourism it has led to the increase of the mountain…

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Best 5 Things to Do in Rwanda

Best 5 Things to Do in Rwanda

There are several unique tourism activities to do in Rwanda; this country is long past its war torn days and now it’s one of safest countries visited in Africa. You will feel the real true African country with lots of unique attractions which have attracted many safari tours to Rwanda. This country is extremely small and there is one unique…

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10 Amazing Facts About Rwanda

10 Amazing Facts About Rwanda

Like its counterpart Uganda, Rwanda is also a landlocked country and has no seaport, it neighbors countries like Democratic Republic of Congo in the West, Tanzania to the East, Uganda to the north, , and Burundi in the south. Rwanda occupy an area of about 26,338 sq km (10,169sqmiles), with a total population of about 13 million (UN estimates 2013…

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Mountain Gorillas Remain draw for Tourists to Rwanda

Mountain Gorillas Remain draw for Tourists to Rwanda

The buzz at the foot of the Volcanoes National Park in northern Rwanda on Wednesday was yet another sign of how eco-adventure tourism like mountain gorilla trekking has high prospects for Rwanda. In the morning breeze, more than 100 tourists interacted with Rwandan tourism officials, including CEO of Rwanda Development Board (RDB) Clare Akamanzi, before embarking on their journey to…

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The Blood Ivory; Elephant Effect

To some people when pondering about elephants, the first thing that comes to their mind is the circus and zoo for that is where they have seen them. The notion that there are big herds of wild elephants roaming in their natural habitat in big plain grass and forest lands in Africa, India, Thailand, the Philippines, and other Asian countries…

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Interesting Facts About Mountain Gorillas

Interesting Facts About Mountain Gorillas

Get all the facts about the mountain gorillas of Uganda and find out how these primates survive as you plan for your next gorilla adventure. Prominence: Threatened species description: A gorilla is an enormous tail-less ape which is covered with black hair. The type of gorilla found in Uganda is the mountain Gorilla and this differs from the West African…

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